Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Chapter 1: the start of a new life

I have been playing with the idea of this story since December of 2009! And my dream of it finally being up, well it's come true on this very day! I want to thank the vampire diaires giving me some ideas for writing (And Damon's lines for giving me laughter). And I do not intend to copy from True Blood, The Vampire Diaries, or Twlight at all! I might take little parts of the mythology, but I assure you - it's mostly me and my crazy ideas! Enjoy! And suggestions are always welcome. (I don't even care if they're even critiques)

the vampire society

Book 1: the new beginnings and ends

Chapter 1: the start of a new life

Elizabeth Wu:

A brush of pain swept inside my body like the spreading of a virus. It usurped the control of everything. A cool, bitter sensation ripped down my throat, forcing its why down until it reached my heart. The cool numbness spread through my veins. My veins turned into a new color of burning purple, red, and purple again; bursting with the foreign liquid. My heart rate sped up, and my brain was almost burned out. My brain was pulsating against my skull and my heart was now faltering. Any trace of my senses were burned out. Every muscle was now constricting and every life system stopping. I didn't know when I even had my last heartbeat.

I blinked. What was going on? I shook my head in confusion. Everything seemed so light. I held up my hand. It was a few shades paler than my usual skin tone. I could barely see the veins in my wrist. My head was thrumming against my skull yearning for something I could give it. My throat was searing with this new found thirst. My mouth was dry. I could hear everything near me. All my senses seemed to be sharpened and enhanced. I pushed myself up and I saw my surroundings at once. I was on a couch in a penthouse with sleek, modern furniture. All the blinds were closed and there was no sunlight entering the place.
Another body was a few feet away from me, smirking a bit. A boy was sitting with perfect, inhuman posture. I scoffed at my own thought. Inhuman. From all my obsessive Twilight reading I had read and used the word inhuman way to often. I had thought all of that way to quickly. Inhumanly fast. It barely took a second. What was happening to me?
I see sleeping beauty is finally awake. I'm Kyle,” the boy told me in a perfect voice.
Excuse me, Kyle?” I asked using the stranger's name.
Well you looked like you were never going to wake up. I was thinking my little experiment didn't work,” He smiled with a look of accomplishment on his face.
Experiment?,” I stared at him incredulously. “That's supposed to make me laugh right?”
Not intentionally. You see I was in desperate need of new human blood. Unfortunately, I gave you too much venom after sucking the life out of you. So, congratulations you are now one of the living undead. Join the party,” He responded carelessly with a slight hint of boredom. He yawned a bit as I stared at him, plain shock and confusion going through me.
Kyle must have seen my facial expressions because then he said, “Look Elizabeth, at least I think that was your name. You are a vampire. Take a sec to process that, and drink this,” He shrugged and tossed me a Rubbermaid bottle filled with a red looking liquid. The smell was intoxicating. It could either have been blood or red Kool-Aid intended to fool me.
Will you please stop thinking and drink the damn blood? I don't care about all your questions and whatever. Just drink the blood and I'll most likely explain. Or I'll just behead you. Got it?” He said.
I'm still getting over the part of vampire! Which I don't believe at all, ” I saidand then unscrewed the cap of the bottle, but not drinking the so called 'blood' inside it yet.
For goodness sakes Elizabeth – You are not a human!!! You are a vampire. Do you want proof. Drink the damn blood and you'll see. You have fangs, feel your teeth. If I chop off one of your fingers it'll attach back in a millisecond. But if I rip off your head, which I feel like doing now, you will die. And hopefully never come back,” he answered me, obviously annoyed to death.
What if I don't drink the blood?” I countered playfully.
I just told you! You die a vampire. And hopefully never come back. Don't think about coming back if you aren't going to drink that. Now stop with all the questions and thoughts. Drink the stupid blood and hopefully I'll be relieved from your endless string of irritating questions,” he seemed on the verge of snapping my head off. I took it as a sign to stop 'annoying' him and I held the bottle up to my lips. And I tilted it up, allowing a few drops of blood in my mouth. My throat instantly responded by sending up fire, as if it was begging mercifully for more. My stomach and head were going crazy at the first drops of 'blood'.
Then I began to drink it, then all of it. Fangs in my mouth grew a bit, and then receded and dulled a bit when I was done. Every bit of pain in me seemed to ease. Something caught my attention. There was a faint smell of blood coming from a fountain in the other room. That's a blood fountain. I snapped my head up to face the boy. “What are you doing in my head?” I asked.
Vampire Stuff 101. If you drink enough blood, in my case your entire body, you have enhanced abilities. Like reading the minds of other weak vampires, putting thoughts into them , and extra strength, hearing, sight, etc.. What I gave you was a mixture of 5/7 human blood, and 2/7 vampire blood. It helps you in the beginning stages of becoming a vamp. From now on you just drink human blood, 'kay? What you just drank should hold you for a day.” He stopped to smirk at me, as if expecting me to plead for more blood. “You can probably put thoughts into vampires and read the mines of ones' that haven't drunken human blood in a while. Or a vampire that drinks animal blood, a bit of animal blood at least. Or mentally and physically weak humans. But you have to drink human blood in the beginning in order to live. Then figure out your taste for blood. So don't try doing any mind tricks on me. Oh, and you can also block and open the thoughts of particular people only.. And you'll find out more stuff later on as it comes up,”
Do I sparkle in the sun?” I asked excitedly. I loved Twilight and being a vampire seemed like a dream to me. It seemed like the real vampire world was different from the Twilight universe.
Yes, we do,” The corners of his mouth turned up in a small smile as if he expected me to ask that.
Really!” I was so happy.
His smile widened. “Yes, I do sparkle. If you dump glitter onto me and make me walk out into the sun. I'll sparkle more than Edward Cullen does.” I stared at him, a bit disappointed “I -, We live in the world where walking out into the sun unprotected is the equivalent of pressing a stake into my heart.” He finished, just as I frowned.
Then what am I supposed to do? Burn to my death outside?” I asked unhappy. There goes my then unrealistic dream of being a vampire 'till now.
Technically it'll be your second death, you died with my venom in your fragile human body. Here I had a witch make this for you. It's this crystal - medallion, with the inside infused with a special magic and human and vampire blood. Wear it with you at all times. And don't lose it. The color reflects your personality or mood or something,” He held up his own ring, in a circle shape, colored pure black. “But if a vampire manages to rip it off you in the sun, you're well literally dead. So stay out of trouble if you want to live as one of the undead. I was considerate enough to prevent sunlight from coming in and making your medallion. Don't expect any from me but telling you about vamp stuff. My sisters' best friend would have my head, literally if I wasn't hospitable to a vampire I created. Even accidental ones,” He rolled his eyes at his own comment and tossed me a marigold colored crystal on a golden chain. I wore it around my neck. The crystal seemed to beam against my somewhat pale skin.
You have a sister?” I asked wanting some more information about him.
Didn't I just say that? A twin - Kylie. She annoys me even more than her best friend or you do. Surprisingly,” He smirked a bit and rolled his eyes again in a somewhat condescending manner. “They're both a pain. If your nice I'll let you stick around longer until Charlotte can take care of you. Take on of the guest bedroom or whatever. Char's gonna come over later and yell at me and then sort everything out with you. She'll bring the welcome wagon,”
Who's Charlotte?” I questioned him.
My sister's best friend forever, no joke, and a royal pain,” He answered me.
I resent the part about being a royal pain,” A new voice rung in the room. The door to the room creaked open revealing a red haired, supermodel looking girl. Her hair was straight and in an incredibly neat ponytail. She was holding a marigold binder labeled Elizabeth Wu equipped with different colored pens in a pencil pouch.
My, the drama queen has arrived. How did you get in?” Kyle asked a bit amused as if expecting her to retort with a clever answer that he would mock.
Kylie gave me a key. So Kyle, have you been torturing the poor girl? Elizabeth has suffered enough from you. First you suck the life out of her and then you turn her. And then you rid her of her perfect human life. I'm sure once she's 1000 years old she'll be seeking revenge. Right?” Charlotte flashed a dirty look at me.
Umm, Sure. But I don't remember anything from my human life. I don't even remember my name, until Kyle said it. Nor my last name, so I'm not sure if my human life was 'perfect'” I told her, trying to feign innocence.
See? She has no reason to stalk me with a stake when I'm nearly 1200 years old,” Kyle responded to Charlotte.
Funny. But I would. You'd be dead by then anyways. I'm surprised I can still keep you alive,” Charlotte countered.
Same here. Pity my sister had to choose you as a best friend,” Kyle responded.
Pity, how Kylie had to have a brother like you,” Charlotte retorted.
Ooh. Twisting my own words against me. Nice,” He smile unaffected by the retort.
Can you take an insult? And not mock me afterward?” She asked him.
Well, all your insults are lame so its hard not to make fun of you. That's what I've been doing all my life you see?” Kyle said back.
Umm Hi? I thought we were talking about me here? New vampire that Kyle unfortunately turned? Ring a bell anyone?” I tried to break the tension. Which kinda worked thankfully
I am so sorry!,” Charlotte cocked a quick smile before sitting opposite of me. She leaned forward and sniffed me a bit. Weird x10! She made a disgusted face and whipped her head to face Kyle once again, “You fed her your vampire blood along with human blood,” She said accusingly, gritting her teeth flashing a look at Kyle. “You might as well take a piece of wood and stab it into her heart. Its less painful,” She shot daggers into Kyle's red and tired eyes.
Wait what?” I asked a bit of fear in my voice. It'll be all right. Let me handle it. Charlotte's voice drifted into my mind. Charlotte and Kyle seemed to now be communicating via mind. It was frustrating not hearing anything being spoken and being left out.
And then Kyle finally spoke, obviously pissed, “Well its not my fault. How was I supposed to know? Give me some credit. I did something to help someone else! That's all you can expect of me. Nothing else Char!” Kyle's eyes were set onto Charlotte's neck as if he was deliberating on whether or not to rip her head off in the next second or so.
She seemed to over hear Kyle's violent thoughts because the next second she pulled back her lips a bit exposing her fangs, grown a few inches. She snarled and her eyes turned bloodshot red.
Chillax Char!,” His eyes were fixed into her red eyes. Kyle's fangs sharpened and seemed to be longer than usual. A defensive move?
I shuddered as Charlotte cornered Kyle looking as if she was about to attack, “I still haven't forgiven you for the last time. One more wrong move – and I don't care what Kylie says – you're dead,” She said in a deadly pitch.
I already am,” Kyle daringly responded. Charlotte seemed to put a death threat of a thought into Kyle's head because he rolled his eyes and said, “Fine!,” but there was something teasing about his voice. His fangs receded and as did Charlotte's. Charlotte's eyes turned back to her normal color of a light red.
See Elizabeth has been suffering traumatizing in her first hours in her new life! Kyle get out before I set you in fire,” Charlotte sat back onto the couch holding her marigold binder and pencil pouch in a professional manner.
My head snapped up in Kyle's direction when he ducked out the door saying, “Peace out you annoying -,” Kyle opened the door to another room and seemed to leave with the last slam of the front door. Kyle's departing sentence seemed to be completed in Charlotte's brain because her hands turned into a violent fist, which crushed the purple pen she had in her hand.
Charlotte reached for a new somewhat fuchsia-like colored pen and then turned to face me, her facial expressions tightened. “Sorry about what happened. Kyle gets irritating,” She flashed me a quick but partly fake apologetic smile.
No worries. So what was it about Kyle feeding me vampire blood was equal to dying with a stake to my heart?” It was just weird talking to Charlotte after the new side I witnessed about her.
Don't think its weird, my ugly side rarely gets out. Well, for the conversion to be completed first you have to drink human blood itself. You can drink vampire blood afterward, increase your abilities as a vampire. It helps with you special ability. If the first time you're exposed to human blood and you take it with vampire blood, for a while – when you're near a human, you'll have a 99.99% of killing that human. You will create a massacre and start another anti-vampire mob or whatever. Don't ask me anything else about that. So, you're going to live in Kyle's guest room. If he changes his mind, he will see a flamethrower in his future. And a huge fire,” She opened her marigold binder exposing a fresh page of notebook paper.
Oh, What do you mean by special ability?” I asked a tad bit curious. I could kinda read minds like Edward. Maybe I could have visions! Or I was a tracker? Or maybe I'll be the good version of Jane!
Charlotte laughed, “Erm, no none of that. You'll probably find it out later on. Or you might not have one,”
Do you have one?” If Charlotte had one that was similar to Jane's I'd have Be Nice To Her As Long As You Live – Which Is Forever at the top of my To-Do list.
Charlotte giggled again at my thoughts, “I can shut out individual senses/basic skills or all your senses/skills without you knowing. You can't see, hear, walk, ect.. anything. or I could close all of them down l individually. That's why you assumed me and Kyle were communicating via the mind. I just shut down your ability to hear. I just can't stop Kyle from talking! Every ability has it flaws,”
Oh,” I didn't want to press any further.
Enough about vampire stuff, we need to make some arrangements for you. How you're going to consume blood, therapy, clothes, your abandoned human life. We'll also need to print out a story that will be sure to read your loved ones,” Charlotte flipped to a orange page in her marigold binder, complete with notes about me – from birth till now.
Why didn't you prevent me from seeing that argument?” I asked curiously
Too caught up in my anger. Never mind all that drama, that's for me to worry about. Let's get started,” She unenthusiastically turned to a fresh sheet of notebook paper and titled it: The New Elizabeth Wu

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